A new era of aircraft piston engines is about to start.
KORO High Performance Aero Engines

KORO aircraft engines have been specially designed to combine the best of two worlds into one power plant: the performance, low weight and compactness of turboprop engines with the unmatched fuel consumption and cost attractiveness of piston engines.
Ranging from 4 to 12 cylinders with a power output of 400 to 2,000 hp (plus an additional electrical power of 150 to 300 hp) KORO DR engines are advancing in a performance region where currently only turboprop engines are used.
KORO aircraft engines combine the latest technologies in engine design with additional state-of-the-art electro-hybridization, to give them the high fuel efficiency of a modern piston engine, showing very low fuel consumption.
Small outer dimensions as well as lightweight design and materials assure the excellent power to weight ratio of 4.1 to 7.4 hp/kg being at the top level of turboprop engines and far better than currently available aero piston engines.
Invisible at first glance, the very compact shell of a KORO aircraft engine contains not just one, but two separate combustion engines for maximum safety, with two separate crankshafts transferring their power either to one single propeller or to two counter-rotating propellers.
In the highly unlikely case, that one of the two combustion engines should ever fail during take-off or cruise, it will automatically and instantly be decoupled from the gearbox, and the remaining combustion engine will be brought to 160 percent of it's rated power, to make up for the loss of power.
Additionally, the integrated electro-hybrid system of the KORO Aircraft engine will also instantly kick in and add yet-another 20 percent of the combined, rated combustion engine power to the aircraft's propeller for up to 10 minutes (depending on battery size). This will give the remaining engine a combined power output of roughly 90 percent of its nominal, total take-off power for 10 minutes of flight, which will allow any plane enough time to complete it's take-off safely and perform a full go-around for a safe landing, even at maximum take-off weight.
On top of that, a first to market, exclusive technology for early damage detection is applied to every series engine. Based on a continuous and real time supervision of the structure born vibration signals of the engine and the correlation with a variety of engine parameters, this self-learning system detects any even smallest change in engine behavior and such allows inspection prior to a disorder.
For light helicopters, the KORO Aircraft engines' twin-crankshaft design offers even more benefits, as they are designed to be rated as twin engines in light helicopter-applications, too, thus allowing the helicopter to be flown not only under VFR, but also under full-IFR conditions including flying over congested areas, which will vastly improve the usability of light helicopters for professional air taxi-services, search & rescue, fire fighting etc.
The KORO DR Aero engines concept incorporates a sophisticated combustion process combining the high specific power output of gasoline engines with the unbeaten fuel consumption of modern diesel engines. As a result KORO aircraft engines are consuming less than 230 g/kWh Kerosene at cruising speed, surpassing current turboprop engines by 35 to 40 %.
Low service needs, a targeted TBO of up to 3,000 hours (available at a later stage) and attractive prices add to the KORO engines' superior economy, if compared to turboprops. Due to its low fuel consumption payload capacity or range can be increased based on a given fuel capacity.
Installed in light helicopters KORO DR engines support IFR certification and such will increase usability and sellable flight hours substantially.
KORO aircraft engines are prepared to meet and exceed any existing exhaust gas regulation by the regulatory bodies of the General Aviation, FAA and EASA.
In addition to state-of-the-art exhaust gas aftertreatment, one of the greatest achievements of the KORO aircraft engines is it's vastly reduced CO2-footprint, due to their substantially reduced specific fuel consumption, if compared to conventional turboprop powerplants.
KORO aero engines may also be used for pure electric or electric-hybrid operation using the combustion engine for battery charging or combined mode including boosting operation.
Of similar interest as emissions to the aircraft manufacturers and users of KORO-equipped aircraft, will of course be the engines' substantially reduced noise emission, if compared to conventional engines, especially during the most noise-relevant take-off-phase. Instead of having to run on full power for take-off, KOROS electrohybrid system allows to replace in excess of 20 percent of the combustion engines' power setting with silent power from their electric engines for up to 10 minutes (depending on battery size used), thus substantially reducing the noise envelope of the respective aircraft during take-off.
KORO Aero Engines GmbH owns the copyright for all texts and images published on this website, unless specified otherwise.